Quote Database

#46 (+|-) (Rated: -450)
Craig - In Trance we Trust says:
yeah.....latest version....
hmmmm....my wireless is going screwy
says i'm connected to BTHomeHub-C316(unsecured)
which is the right ssid....but it's not unsecured
[UFP]Darkpsy says:
i'll see if i can connect to it to see if it went unsecured
Craig - In Trance we Trust says:
ummmmm.....you're a little bit too far away
[UFP]Darkpsy says:
thats impossible
Craig - In Trance we Trust says:

#215 (+|-) (Rated: -428)
Darkpsy__ (~ident@ has joined, but is a Clone of Guest9205  «6 people»
Guest9205 «~ident@» has Quit iRC (Connection reset by peer) «5 people»
<Vista> lol....it's getting longer O_O